Do Something Small

January 17, 2013

The other day as I was reading one of Jesus’ parables in Matthew I was reminded how much value we tend to place on “BIG.”

“Bigger” & “better” – these are words that are pervasive throughout so much of our everyday life, and the church is no exception. We may try to deny it, but many of us quietly believe that God is most evident in the bigger and better. I've personally struggled with this. I will sometimes look at my accomplishments to see if they're big and impressive enough. I struggle with that trap every pastor does of wondering if my ministry is big enough to matter.

After all, God is a big God. And He’s done big things all throughout history. So wouldn’t it make sense that He would only really work in people’s lives in big ways?

iStock_000016332584XSmallBut Matthew 13:31-32 says that God’s kingdom (His way of doing things) is more like a tiny mustard seed that was planted in a huge field. Or like a little yeast compared to a massive amount of dough (v. 33). It’s something that would seem almost insignificant except for that He insists it’s not. So allow me to cheat and allow God and wiser men and women than I to encourage you to do something small today…

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. I do not agree with the big way of doing things. – Mother Teresa

Say not this calling and vocation to which God has appointed me is too small and insignificant for me. God’s will is the best calling, and to be faithful to it is the worthiest. God often places great blessings in little things. – C.H. Spurgeon

Who despises the day of small things?” – Zechariah 4:10

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. – Robert Collier

So what small thing is God calling you to do today? Be faithful and do it. Don’t despise this day of small things, because you and I have no idea what plant is being planted or what is being “worked into” the dough of our lives and the community around us!