The Humble King

December 10, 2010

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Luke 2:6-7

I have slept in all kinds of conditions. I have gone on missions trips to foreign countries, and I’ve even had worse sleeping accommodations than that, but you expect that kind of thing at camp sometimes. Anyhow, I’ve slept on the floor and been stuffed in rooms with more people than fire-code allowed. And I’ve always had a place to lay my head.

It’s crazy that God chose this to be the way His Son would enter our world. Jesus had every right to be born in Herod’s palaces and instantly crowned king. But like David, there would be a waiting period for Him to “take the throne.” He had every right to be born in a palace but he was aligning Himself with the very people He came to save. He was showing that, even though He was the biggest thing ever, that He would make Himself the lowest thing ever.

Everything about the Christmas story is humble to the max. It challenges me because I sometimes try to make a big deal of things. Jesus wasn’t afraid to be overlooked. He wasn’t afraid of being mistreated. He wasn’t afraid to get dirty.

And that’s why the story is so compelling. Here is this king who comes like a servant who calls us lowly servants to be able to live like kings. He became poor so that we could become rich. I am rich. You are rich. We can be rich spiritually because He became poor in every way. Be richly blessed this Christmas season!